Download Manager The Download Manager allows you to select multiple files to download while you are online, and download them all at once. You can tell the Download Manager to sign off when all the files have been downloaded, so you won’t have to “babysit” your computer during the download process. For information about scheduling the download to begin at a later time, select FlashSessions from the Help topics. Each time you locate a file you want to download: 1. Double-click on the file and read the File Description, and be sure your computer has the equipment required to use the file. 2. Click on Download Later. A confirmation window will appear. 3. Click on OK. 4. Close the File Description window. When you are ready to download the files: 1. Select Download Manager from the File menu. The Download Manager window will appear, with a list of the files you selected for downloading. 2. Review the list. If you are online, you can review the file descriptions by clicking on the View Description icon. If you no longer wish to download a file, delete it from the list by highlighting it and clicking on the Delete List Item icon. 3. Click on the Start Download icon when you are satisfied that you want to download all the files in the list. A dialog box will open. 4. Click on the checkbox to either remain online or log off when the download is complete. 5. Click on Continue. Where will I find the files once they have been downloaded? Files downloaded from the Download Manager are placed by default in the Online Downloads folder, in the America Online folder. To change the default destination folder: 1. Select Download Manager from the File menu. 2. Click on the Set Destination icon. A dialog box will open. 3. Select a new default download folder. 4. Click on Select Current Folder. 5. Close the Download Manager window. How do I use a file once I have downloaded it? Before you download a file, be sure to read the file description. These descriptions contain useful information about any equipment or software you might need to use the file. Many files on America Online are compressed (or "stuffed") with a utility called StuffIt. These files contain .sit at the end of the filename and will need to be unstuffed before you can use them. If you would like the America Online software to automatically unstuff any stuffed files you have downloaded (even .ZIP or .ARC files you may have downloaded from our PC forums): 1. Select Set Preferences from the Members menu. 2. Select Downloading Preferences. 3. Select the Auto-Expand Files preference. 4. Click on Select until a check mark appears next to the preference. 5. Close the Preferences window. The files will be unstuffed when you sign off America Online. To unstuff a downloaded file immediately: 1. Select Open from the File menu. 2. Select the file you want to unstuff. 3. Click on Open. A dialog box will open. 4. Click on the checkbox if you want the stuffed file to be deleted once it is unstuffed. 5. Click on Continue.